Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Big 60 Bash

On Saturday, Feb. 23, Paul and I hosted a gourmet dinner in honor of Ted and Pat's 60th birthdays. (Yes, that's right - I actually did some COOKING!) Actually, Jane came up with the menu, since she belongs to a gourmet group. She even gave me a list of what to make. It was all the easier things, of course. Paul did some yummy steaks Jane got from a place in Rochester that premarinates them - so o o o o tender and tasty! It was a fun night of eating, conversation, and then we played "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" It really wasn't fair, because we played girls against the boys, and the teachers had a definite advantage! If you want to see pictures, click on the link to Bracken's Bunch - Jane was the photo manic that night - I was just too busy playing Susie Homemaker in the kitchen ... not! It was a very memorable night.