Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter 2013

Paul and I headed to Cannon Falls after a wonderful Easter
 service at Waterbrooke - He Is Risen, Indeed! We missed
all the Catlin connection since Ted and Pat were in Illinois on their way
home from a month in Florida, and Angie had to work so Teddy and
family were also absent.  You'll notice I take most of my pictures of the
 little ones - aren't they CUTE?
 Mabel will be walking soon - she loves to hold your hands and wobble around.

 Maddox and Corey can't wait for motorcycle season to start - well, that's true for Corey.  Maddox just likes looking like a cool dude!

 Who needs candy when you can lick the egg?

 The Easter Bunny left a scavenger hunt for Maddox and Charlie with words and pictures.

 Now where?  The bathroom, of course!

 Three baskets in the tub.  Mabel gets into the act at the very end.

 I provided one more present - a pig popper.  Squeeze his belly and a soft ball explodes out of his mouth.  It took a while to get the hand of it, but ... WOW ... did those little balls fly!

 OK, Mabel, your turn.  What's in the bag from Uncle Joyce and Uncle Paul?

 Cousin Maddox, will you help???

 It's a soft barn and four little farm animals that all talk when you squeeze them!  Charlie doesn't care.

 Here, let me show you, Mabel.  What a nice cousin, Maddox!

 Whoa ... they make noises, too?  Cool!

 Oooh ... Charlie discovered a new way to pop the pig popper!

 Quack quack...

 Hey look, everybody ... I can wear my mom's dress!

 Ahhh ... Grandma Jane Jane has flashbacks.

 OK ... it's easier to pop the pig this way - his little fingers just don't have the strength to squeeze the belly of the pig. 

 Oh boy ... it can hit the ceiling!

 Maddox and Charlie taking a break.

 Yum - the ham is ready - let's eat.

 Wow - these eggs are really pretty - too pretty to eat.  How about as a center piece?

looking good, Jane.  What can I do?

How about if I set the table?

Nope .. already done.  Very festive!

There is a nest at each place.  I am SOOOO tempted to eat mine NOW!

After dinner Maddox, Charlie, Jenna, and I played Uno Attack.  Charlie wanted to press the button until it spits cards every time.  He didn't quite understand the concept of getting RID of all your cards.  He wanted to collect them!

Hit it, maestro!

Mabel plays with two hands!  I even joined her for a duet.

Nice touch ... I think she's got the genes!

The robins return to Cannon Falls - that was a mistake!

Thank goodness - the tree has berries to eat.

Maybe there is a worm in that patch of green grass ... ya think?

Yum ... Easter dinner is for the birds!

Charlie rides the human playground - more, Daddy, more!

A fun day was had by all.  Thank you, God, for the blessing of family!