Sunday, June 5, 2011

May Birthdays - Big doings!

We celebrated two big birthdays during the month of May - mine on May 16, and Paul's brother Phil's on May 28. Each event was very special, in it's own way.

On my birthday, we met Ted and Pat and Jane and Chuck downtown Minneapolis at a very cool restaurant called "The Bank." It used to be the Farmer's and Mechanics Savings Bank, and my Aunt Alice was the first woman officer of the bank during the 40's to the 70's. The bank had the school savings department that all Minneapolis school children will remember - I did my banking every Friday right at school!

This is the main floor of the restaurant, right where the tellers used to be. The vault is now full of wine bottles! The food was excellent, but I recommend going for lunch - it's very expensive for dinner! We met there on Sunday, May 22 after church and luckily missed the tornado that hit North Minneapolis while we were eating.

Phil had a big blast for his party - but then you only turn 50 once! Leslee planned the whole thing, and Mark and Karena loaned their house for the event.

Phil was a good sport and even settled back to enjoy the "roast."

Mark's son, Drew, plays the keyboard in a 5 piece jazz band that provided "EXCEPTIONAL" music during the party. They are really talented kids, and I can get you their contact info if you're looking for a group to play at an event. They had a blast, and we all enjoyed dancing, listening, and being wowed.

Anna made Uncle Phil a golfers cake, and daughter Callen put in the 50 candles.

Amazing - he blew them all out with one mighty breath!

Of course, dad Roger (soon to be 93) had to say a few words for his baby's birthday roast.

Brother Paul got into the act when he presented Phil with our gift ...

...UFFDA! You're HOW old???