Saturday, April 21, 2012

Signs of Spring

Gee, I forgot to blog about a few things from the annals of the family get-togethers!  I'll reverse time and go back to a big event - Teddy's 10th birthday party!  Yep - I said tenth.  He is a Leap Day baby, so he was really celebrating his 40th:)

Angie had a great party in their party room with yummy food, and friends. The boys - Ted's son Matthew and Corey's son Maddox, had the run of the party.

Ted's going to be grilling salmon soon - yum!

Griffin organized a game of war with Paul, and Matthew had to join in to learn how to play.  The rest of the grown-ups had the option to eat or play Texas Hold-em or both.

Guess who won?

You know it's spring when mommies are beautifying their nest!  Jane and I helped Jenna paint the guest room for the new baby back in February or March - I can't remember when!

Hmmmm - how do you like this color?  Not so much?  So ... while Paul and I were on our vacation over spring break, they re-did the color to a much paler version.  New baby coming sono - maybe on my birthday?  Due date is May 18 I think, but two days early would be special.

Charlie and I had to spend a little time playing - army guys - yeah, my favorite:)

We had Easter at Ted and Pat's on the Saturday night before in hopes that Tom, Kim and the kids could come up from Illinois to celebrate Griffin's birthday (Tom's son) and Easter all at once.  Then it turned out that Griffin wouldn't be there (spring break with mom) so we postponed the Illinois connection.  We got to Skype with them, which was fun.

 The little boys had an indoor Easter egg hunt since it rained all morning.  They didn't care!

 Charlie had a little help from mom and dad.  Gee, next year there will be a little girl toddling around with a basket, too!  Wish we could get Phebe up from florida to join in the fun some year.

 Things were getting a little wild, so Ted and Angie took the big boys out for a little soccer and exercise.

 The rain had stopped, the yard dried up, and a fun time was had by all!

 I stayed on the deck for good photo ops:)

 Go, Matthew, score!

 Ok, Angie - who had the most exercise?  Mom, dad, or kids?  It was a good idea to wear off the appetizers and make room for a great ham dinner!  Yum!

My next post will probably include pictures of new baby Held ... coming soon ...