This Christmas post is in three posts, in reverse order, so scroll down to part II and part I for the full effect of our celebrations!
Sat. Dec. 29
How long will this snow last? Better get out and enjoy it while I can! So ... I put on all my gear and headed out the back of our townhouse to explore the Hilks Lake pond!
I could follow snowmobile tracks or break my own trail.
I have a cool tripod with bendable legs, so I hung my camera from a tree!
Looking back at our house - I think it is the second to last one in this row - can you see the hot tub???
Cool tangled trees.
Heading through the swamp weeds.
Checking out the deerstand - tree house ?
Some kids are very lucky to have this in their back yard! there were even footprints out to the ladder, so they must enjoy it year round!
More odd tree formations - maybe a home for a rabbit?
Back home again - gee, I wonder if the hot tub is ready for me to relax in? I never did empty it this fall and do my annual cleaning. Guess I'll pass on a swim and just enjoy the rocker bench.
Ooops - I've got to be quicker! Reset the camera on the other edge of the hot tub and try again!
One more photo op - our newest lighted decoration - Mr. Snowman under the mulberry tree (which also has lights the blink and change colors!)
I've got to do a better job of hiding the cords next year - it was just too cold the day I set him up. All I wanted to do was plug him in and head inside!
See that fuzzy spot? The camera fell off the electrical post and got a little snow on the lens. Try, try again!
There we go - much better! It turns out, as of January 26, this is the only snow we will be getting this winter! Booo! Glad I had a chance to enjoy the day.