Saturday, April 24, 2010

Showers of Blessing!

Gosh, it's been two weeks already since Pat, Jane, Sandy and I put on a baby shower for Jenna. We had a wonderful turnout at Jane's, and the food was MARVELOUS thanks to Pat. Sandy made the punch which really hit the spot,Jane made the bars and put out the fruit, and I contributed the diaper cake which nobody ate:)

Just looking at the table makes me hungry for that spinach salad of Pat's and the chicken salad leftovers were great at school last week.

Jenna is practicing already. Only about 3 weeks left now!

Here we are just before the guests arrived - we are ready!

I had to get a picture of Jane and I since neither of us got in any of the pictures from Easter.

Here are some of the gals looking at baby Jenna's scrapbook. I think it goes from birth to two years old, then skips right to prom. She was really a cutie.

Can you believe we ate outside on the deck on April 11? It was a beautiful day. You can read more about it on Jane's blog - check out the beautiful quilts Jane and Sandy made. That baby will never be cold - two quilts and a gorgeous soft green hand knit afghan from Pat. Those gals are sure crafty. I'll stick to making diaper cakes!

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