Way back in September, a group of Ladies from Waterbrooke went up north for a weekend getaway.
We stayed at The 4 T's Resort on Lake Stoney near Hackensack.
We ate very healthy meals , or course! Thanks, Pat!
We watched a Women of Faith DVD on Friday night - helping to prep us for the coming Women of Faith event in October at the Xcel Center in St. Paul.
We did a bit of exploring on Saturday, since it was cool and very windy - no biking today!
We found a cute antique store near Paul Bunyan, and his blue ox was right across the street.
Hiya, Babe!
We took a drive down The Woodtick Trail - we could have hiked, but who would want to with a name like that? It was getting cloudier and windier, too.
Wishing for a boat and a fishing line. Then we headed up to Walked for dinner at a great Mexican restaurant and ended up back at the cabin for dominoes - all twelve rounds!
Time for a break!
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day for a bike ride! We headed up past Walker to rent bikes and find the trail. Karen and I hit the trail, and Pat, Rebecca and Connie tooled around the resort.
We ate our bag lunches on the deck of this beautiful resort on the huge lake in Walker.
Back at the ranch, I built a memorial tower of rocks down at the beach just like the ones we saw in California last March.
Gene came to pick up Cannie, and we got a group photo before everyone left. It was a great time, relaxing, and the fellowship was sweet.
More fun with Waterbrooke Women - thanks, Kristin for organizing the group!
In between speakers, we explored the Xcel Center - hey, Snoopy!
My roomie Pat, Linus, and me.
Beautiful artist who painted to music - amazing! Some lucky woman won the painting for her church!
They had speakers, artists, musicians, and dancers, all celebrating our awesome God!
We weren't QUITE in the nosebleed section, but close:) We didn't care - it was great.
Light your cell phones and lift your hands in worship.
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