Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Part 1

We had a great time at Ted and Pat's on Thanksgiving Day this year. There were 22 of us - WOW - our family is growing! We have so much to be thankful for, but the best gift is our family... and, of course, the kids made the day very special. Jenna and Andy brought their Wii (?) and Katie and Griffin brought Dance Dance Revolution. The older ones had just as much fun as the youngers! Griffin and Summer playing something on the Wii - I'm not sure what, but it was a big hit.
Katie and Matthew were helping Ted and Teddy carve the turkey.
Maddox could find something to play with in the weirdest places!
Maddox and Matthew finally got a chance to get acquainted - they are almost twins - just 3 weeks apart and now one year old.
The babies were incredibly cute and both could scoot quickly out of sight if you weren't watching them constantly - even up the stairs. Bye bye! (If you want to see any pictures of the rest of the family - check out the Bracken Bunch. The rest of my pictures are just like Jane's.) We ate plenty on Thursday, and then had to get up and do it all over on Friday at the Casey's. Check it out on Part II.

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