Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Part II

We went over to Mark and Karena's on Friday afternoon for a chili feed - with plenty of snacky things first, of course. Yum! Roger and Elaine graced the couch while we played various games. Buzzword was a new game that was a big hit at the Catlin side on Thursday - the girls won that night, but the guys ran away with the game on Friday. Drew introduced us to a fun card game called Pond Scum, and I spent most of the game in the worst seat - that of Pond Scum or Vice Pond Scum.Tessa and Anna were the only girl cousins that made it this year. Callen was at the Football State Tournament cheering on her Eden Prairie team, and the rest of the big girls are far, far away. We missed them!
Brenner can always get Drew going - watch out! Down in the "man cave" there were lots of options - football on the tube, ping pong, darts, exercise equipment ...
Get him, Anna!
Oh, did I mention golf? Mark always has a good deal on a new club.
Again, our family is a blessing that God has given us and we don't always show or share how much we appreciate each and every one. You are all loved by us!

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